GreasePak Bio Fluid Replacement 3 x 5 Litres

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£154.00 inc VAT £128.33 exc VAT
Master Box 3 x 5 Litre Replacement Cartridges Refills for Greasepak grease dosing solution. 3 x 5L boxes of doing fluid supplied in a master box which with standard dosing will be approximately...


Master Box 3 x 5 Litre Replacement Cartridges

Refills for Greasepak grease dosing solution. 3 x 5L boxes of doing fluid supplied in a master box which with standard dosing will be approximately 3-months supply.

A bio-degradable, environmentally friendly and non-hazardous product. Mechline's GreasePak is a powerful bio-fluid which is ultra efficient in degrading fats, oils and grease from the waste wash-up water in commercial kitchens. FOGS are degraded into simple molecules that solidify, preventing them from re-forming. 

GreasePak refills are contained in a 5-Litre box which are easy to store, handle and connect. Easy to twist on which avoids spills of the fluid.

Bio-Enzyme Replacement Fluid contained in 5 Litre cartridge box for easy connection and use with GreasePak automatic dosing system.

Greasepak Efficient Grease Management

Buy a cost effective grease dose solution to clear fats, oils and grease and prevent drain blockages in your commercial kitchen business.

Works efficiently with all of our grease trap products.



  • SKU
  • BIO008
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