Water Company Woes? Grease Traps help avoid prosecution
Water Company Enforcement Notices on the Increase
Grease trap specialists, Goodflo, are helping an increasing number of commercial kitchen and food service establishments to cope with the challenges they face when served with a water company grease management enforcement notice.

Fats, Oils & Grease UK Legislation
A growing number of water companies across the UK have implemented a programme to identify businesses that are discharging fats, oil and grease in their wastewater wash-up. Water companies have recourse under the Water Industry Act 1991. It states:
“it is a criminal offence under section 111 to discharge into the public sewers any matter, which may interfere with the free flow of wastewater. In addition, where the water company has incurred costs in dealing with the detrimental effects on the sewers e.g. removing blockages cleaning sewers, investigating and remedying flooding or pollution incidents, it can take legal action to recover these costs. Prosecution can result in substantial fines or even imprisonment.”
Grease Traps Help to Avoid Enforcement Issues
Experience informs us that owners and managers of commercial kitchen often panic and implement expensive systems when faced with an enforcement notice. They may have been ignoring completely the warnings of frequently blocked drains, foul odours or localised flooding of their own or neighbouring businesses drainage and that there is a potential enforcement problem.
Enforcement may not always be sympathetic to the site-specific and business circumstance. A cost effective and prevention solution that could otherwise have been implemented before the enforcement was issued, is not always accepted after the enforcement has been issued. The old adage that prevention is better than cure holds good in these circumstances and Goodflo’s grease trap product range, such as the g-bag pictured, provides innovative solutions to aid prevention.
With an increase in environmental compliance, spiralling drainage clearing costs currently absorbed by water companies, and pressure on landlords to compensate - all are factors in driving up the numbers of wastewater grease management legislation enforcement.
Give us a call today for technical advice surrounding the legislation and ,crucially, what you can do if you receive a Water Company enforcement notice. For the best in-kitchen grease trap solutions to stop grease at source, or any fat trap installation queries you may have, we're here to reduce your FOG disposal fears. Call now or email info@goodflo.com.